Thursday, 24 December 2015

Surviving for the Future

With a few hundred in each tribe and the total human population measured in the low millions, the imperative of each tribe was to survive, and so growing the population and taking over valuable resources and territory from others was the primary objective.  Allied to this was developing the science and technology with which to maximise the utility of resources and develop the most effective defensive and offensive weaponry.  

The wise ones knew that developing understanding of ‘the other,’ was critical, as ultimately they would have to live side by side within the confines of a finite planet – even if the implications of this fact where not to be communicated to the general public at this time.  ‘Go forth and multiply’ was the order of the day – to be updated when appropriate at a later stage.  They gently guided each tribe in their wisdom, but kept silent upon that which society did not yet need to or was not ready to receive. 



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